Checks and Balances
Posted 11 February 2020
Today I was woken up yet again in the wee hours of the morning with some insights I was given to share with you. This time however, instead of scrambling for pen and paper, I realised I had a handy tool of Voice Memo on my phone and it makes it so much easier to dictate when just awakening from deep sleep. So here we are.
I awoke with a sense of wonder at what is going on in our world right now, a powerful moment of realisation of the balance of the Universe. We have been threatened by our religious fathers for centuries with the extinction of the world, of mankind coming to extinction, of the our planet disappearing in a puff of smoke, but I have been given to believe of late by my Guides that it is not at all that cynical. Afterall we have become wiser and more enlightened in our evolution – we just have to look at the positive growth and strides that mankind has brought to the table in incredible research, inventions, discovery and knowledge over the last few centuries. The naysayers may argue, all this human progress is a negative influence on our world. While some of our ideas have (I believe) over-reached their positive contribution, it is in the constant strive to correct and refine the process that we have discovered our miracles in technology, our laws and our behaviours. It is all about the correction.
So…… the perceived chaos in our world of late, the droughts, fires, floods and now the virus of the century – a virus that is closing off borders to countries – perhaps it is all about checks and balances by Mother Nature and the Universe. With the virus that is threatening the world right now – fear and anxiety has risen to a whole new level. It is interesting that the virus began in a country with the largest population on earth, with the greatest power on earth economically that has the ability to bring other countries to heel. We find the rest of the world beginning to close their borders to China as well. The Universe is showing us that no one government or race is immune to being brought to balance. We all need to co-operate and live on this planet together with ourselves and every living creature. Nature when left alone can take care of herself for it has the ‘DNA’ for perfect balance. Mankind is waking up to the fact that we need to live in harmony with Nature, to learn from her how to keep this balance in our world. If we continue to strip the resources Nature has provided, we strip ourselves of livelihood and shelter and the ability to survive on this planet. We must do better.
In the midst of all the chaos, heartache, despair and fear of our future, there is BEAUTY and there is HOPE. I see heartfelt generosity all around me from strangers to people suffering loss and destruction. I give thanks for all those people who have come forward to help, for all those personal sacrifices some have endured in order to save and help the victims. What a tremendous display of unconditional love and humanity; of strangers coming together from all over the world to help in an unbearable tragedy. It pushes people to reach out to each other and embrace and help one another. I see native animals coming in from their natural habitats seeking human touch and help knowing instinctively that the person they reach out to will not harm them and will help ease their suffering instead. I see the beauty in the bonding of man and Nature when an injured wild Koala reaches out to a human (a fireman) for lifesaving water from a water bottle. This picture will be etched in the minds of many all around the world reminding us that we are all one, every animal, every bird, and every living thing. That vision for me is a symbol of how connected we truly are.
These last few months has brought out the best in our natures, an opportunity to show the world the true wealth of spirit, the inner God-Light within us all. Each and every one of us carries that inner light at our core and we should let the Light within us shine out into the world each and every day and not just in times of crisis. It should start right at the core within our families, our relationships, our spouses and our children. What a wonderful world that would be, where the distance between Heaven and Earth becomes smaller with every breath we take.
We as humanity, as a race, are strong; strong in what is an ever-evolving journey through life. When life seems to come to a stop, when everything seems futile, when despair envelopes you in its tentacles of darkness, suddenly a powerful strength rises up from within, a belief coming from nowhere that you will survive, that there is more to this story of tragedy beneath the surface than the obvious disaster you are engulfed in. It makes us reach out, search for a miracle, we find incredible strength to go on. We find wisdom, incredible insights and understanding. We understand that it is human to feel despair. Out of every despair, comes a potential miracle. Out of a threat of extinction of a society through a virus, comes the urgency of finding an antidote at warp speed to combat the virus. It forces the politicians to set aside their debates and get on with the urgency of the matter at hand. And as hard as it may seem in the throes of our battle, I know deep in my heart and intuition that this too shall pass and life will go on with all its checks and balances in place in perfect order and timing of the Universe. It will make humanity wiser and more conscious of the fact that we are all in this world together and need to work together despite creed, colour or nationalism, to put prejudices aside and work together for the good of all without sacrificing our own personal power.
It is certainly interesting times we live in with our ever-changing conditions and challenges but I have absolute faith that it will all work out, that mankind will rise to the challenge and find a way of living in perfect harmony with the Planet Earth. This is the beginning of a new world! It is possible! Let it be!

The Beginning of Stories
Posted 3 November 2019
In cultures of old, families sat around the campfires and shared stories of ancestors, where the young would hear of the journey and the wisdom of their elders gleaned out of their experiences. These gatherings brought people together and helped them to move through the adventure that was their lives. I believe that as we tell our stories of the passage of our lives, others can gain strength in traversing their own problems. It is a path that counselling groups take and is a valuable tool for healing.
By sharing our stories we begin to feel that we are not alone in our troubles and that we are indeed in life together as one family of man. If one is hurting, we all hurt. The advent of technology and the Internet is a clear example of how knowledge, grief and joy can be shared from across the oceans, by people who have never met yet feel those emotions of empathy. Our tribe has now become bigger, we can connect faster, and our world has just become smaller.
Stories of great courage and strength in decades past can spur us to achieve and do better in our present day. Our society today has become more and more insular and yet the potential for sharing had become greater. As technology races to take over our lives, we lose touch with each other, our stories become forgotten and wither on the branches of time. This disconnect is the poison in our society, leaving us in isolation and forcing us to think no one cares about our pain.
In the old days of the village, the people gathered together and found solutions to each other’s pain, rejoiced in each other’s joy. We felt connected. It becomes harder and harder today to convince someone that you are never given any more than you can handle by the Universe. Yet my experience has been it is the absolute truth. We must find ways to reach out to each other more, use the tools progress has afforded us and help one another to reach our goals and make the world a better place for all of us for Life is too complex for us to remain an island unto ourselves.
If I can help one person through my stories, my journey will not be in vain but I hope some of you may resonate with some of the stories I have to share.